How Does Your Garden Grow | Jessica, Bevo Mill


Tell us about your gardening experience!

After moving to St. Louis from Chicago in 2014, my now husband and I were inspired to start a small backyard garden over the following summer. The climate here is significantly different, despite the short distance! Around this time, we were cooking at home a lot more and we always wanted to join a CSA. Luckily living in Shaw put us close to the Tower Grove Farmer’s Market where we picked up weekly vegetables. After cooking and enjoying fresh produce, I knew I wanted to do that for myself! In Shaw, we did container gardens in five gallon buckets and a front yard three sister garden (corn, beans, and squash). We moved to Bevo Mill in 2018 where we were able to expand our garden! In spring, we grow crops like kale, chard, lettuce, baby cabbages, peas, and broccoli raab. In summer we grow usual favorites like tomatoes, okra, tomatillos, melons, cucumbers, beans, peppers, and eggplant.

We’d love to know about the growth of your garden and any challenges you’ve come across.

Over time, we have added something new each year to our less than 1000 square foot yard. First, we added a space perennial herbs and native flowers. The next year, we added 6 garden beds and berry bushes. The following year, we put in 6 more beds and a peach tree. This year, we amended the soil, added a repurposed claw foot tub planter and a in ground bed for cherry tomatoes. We also finally fulfilled a dream of mine by adding cattle panel trellises for vertical growth. A huge challenge as a gardener is being patient! I’ve had to learn it takes times and seasons for things to come together. Not everything needs to be perfect and there are always new things to learn along the way.


Share your knowledge! Do you have any tips and tricks?

  • Join and CSA or visit farmer’s markets to learn about what grows well in your area and discover your likes and dislikes of vegetables and fruit. Notice what varieties are popular in your area.

  • YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are your friends! Between following professionals chatting with neighbors on gardening groups, there is so much knowledge to tap into!

  • Make due with what you have. Use recycled containers and just try! Gardening can get expensive but there are many ways to save. My favorite hacks are getting compost and mulch from Carondelet Park and trading seeds by mail.

  • We gained confidence to map out our garden through the work of local business, Custom Foodscaping. Give them a call for a consultation or full garden build.

  • Celebrate failures as it means you learned something new!

Why do YOU garden?

I love gardening because it allows me to be creative, get outdoors, and grow my own food! As a teacher, I have a lot of free time in the summer. Having a backyard garden brings me joy and something to look forward to each day. There is always something new and beautiful out there!

You can follow Jessica on Instagram at @stl_stead!

How does YOUR garden grow? Submit your photos and tell us more at


How Does Your Garden Grow | Franklin, Webster Groves


How Does Your Garden Grow | Arion, St. Ann